Can We Really Stand On Diets Life? - Fat Loss 4 Idiots Review  

Subjecting diet or rigorous diets may indeed increase the likelihood of heart attack, diabetes and cancer because during reduced caloric intake increased secreted so. stress hormone - cortisol

Subjecting diet or rigorous diets may indeed increase the likelihood of heart attack, diabetes and cancer because during reduced caloric intake increased secreted so.

Stress hormone - cortisol - reveals new research from the University of California San Francisco and the University of Minnesota conducted on 121 women who have three weeks ate 1,200 calories a day instead of the recommended 2,000 calories.

The study, published in the journal Psychosomatic Medicine, says that begins to secrete large quantities when the body feels it is losing energy level.

Points out that the child of 1200 calories and it is much better to stick to a diet of 1,500 calories per day

In addition to increased cortisol, rigorous diets are the cause of high blood pressure and depression.Read This Article Related To Muscle Buildings (

However, research has for years warned that obesity, which suffers from every fourth resident of the developed world, may increase the risk of heart disease, diabetes and cancer.

Therefore, it is dangerous to be over fat, it is dangerous to be on a diet, and only healthy alternative is proper diet and movement.


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